Thursday, February 24, 2011

How to Support Someone Going Through Chemotherapy

Here's a great article about Chemo support:


Patients undergoing chemotherapy often need support during the process. Your support of someone going through this treatment can help him cope with the physical and mental stress associated with cancer and its aftermath. Follow these steps to lend a hand.

Offer practical support by doing things such as driving the patient to chemotherapy treatments, sitting in on doctor's appointments, cooking, shopping, caring for pets and watering plants

 Check in on the patient. Often people undergoing chemotherapy treatment feel fatigued and overwhelmed and they may not have the energy to ask for the specific help they need. Do not assume that if you have asked a patient once, she will not need help later.

Know your role. Most people undergoing chemotherapy turn first to family and friends for support. However, there may be some things patients do not feel comfortable discussing with their loved ones, and they may feel more comfortable talking with other cancer survivors. Allow your loved one the freedom to seek additional sources of support.

Be aware that caring for someone undergoing chemotherapy can be very time-consuming and fatiguing. Arrange your own schedule and adjust your lifestyle so that you have adequate time for rest and self care, as well as caring for the individual with cancer.


Click here to learn more.


Posted via email from lifemelusa's posterous

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Food and Fluids while on Chemo

Here are some helpful tips about eating and drinking while on Chemo:



  • It is important to keep your fluid intake up to prevent dehydration; 
  • Clear, cold drinks (water) may be better tolerated.
  • Try sipping fizzy drinks such as soda water, ginger beer or lemonade
  • Sip slowly, using a straw may help
  • Herbal, ginger or peppermint tea may soothe an upset stomach 
  • Start with small frequent meals and snack then build up to your more normal diet
  • Eat slowly and relax afterwards, but avoid lying flat .
  • Try not to drink with a meal, but have one 30 minutes before or after.  
  • Nausea may become worse when the stomach is empty so try to take regular  snacks.
  • If possible, a short walk in the fresh air before eating may help.  
  • Fresh air also helps to stimulate your appetite . 
  • Avoid wearing tight fitting clothes . 
  • Avoid highly spiced or rich or fatty foods if this makes you worse. 
  • If the smell of cooking makes you feel nauseous you could try eating cold foods
  • Cold food examples include sandwiches, meats, chilled desserts e.g. yoghurts. 
  • Let a friend or relative cook if they offer.
  • Try to relax and eat slowly in a well ventilated room.

Click here to learn more.

Posted via email from lifemelusa's posterous