Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Customer Testimonials

Steven Raynor, from England, reported that while on chemotherapy and taking LifeMel Chemo Support Honey “my blood levels stayed up”. Now that he’s off chemotherapy he feels great and travels back and forth from Florida to England. Also, since he’s no longer on chemotherapy, he’s excited to start using LifeMel Immune, the post chemo treatment honey which strengthens the immune system. Happy to share his experience, he passes on the benefits he’s received from LifeMel Honey.

Lea writes, “I felt it was my duty to write down what I have already told you in our conversations, and say ‘stay strong!’, and I hope that this product will help many more people when they come to need it. When beginning the treatments, I started taking a tablespoon of Life-Mel once a day, for a total of 10 days to two-weeks. Although the blood-count was somewhat low immediately after the treatment (in the first week), it would rapidly rise and, throughout the 6 months of treatments, the blood-count was never lower than 400 WBC (i.e. within the range of normal values); at some point, the oncologist even told me: ‘you are responding as if you had taken water.’ It also helped me recover from the weakness I felt right after each chemotherapy treatment - it was simply amazing! Since then, I would always highly recommend the product each time I had the possibility of helping other women. It gave me what I needed at the right time.”

David Heller contributes by saying, “I’ve used the product for a year now and I plan on continuing using it. I definitely feel good and so there’s no reason why I should stop.”

Ester shares, “Having been recommended the honey by friends who are ill with cancer and have been using Life-Mel and, in doing so, have spared themselves the very severe side-effects, I decided to try out this product. I experienced very positive effects when using Life-Mel, for example: before taking the special honey, my white blood-cells had dropped to 2-4 and, after taking LifeMel for 5 days, my white blood cells went up to 6.6! I must say that I felt better, stronger and with a greater capacity to function. I am convinced that this information must be published in all the hospitals and medical institutions treating people that suffer from severe illnesses, thus much suffering may be spared from the patients.”

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How is Life Mel Produced?

Life Mel Honey is produced by bees fed on a special food mixture which enables them to make a unique form of honey with all the beneficial properties of the therapeutic herbs and natural ingredients. Our honey is specially produced in a controlled environment which guarantees a pollution-free pollination process. Other than collecting the honey from the hive and packing it, the honey is not artificially treated in any way and no ingredients are added after extraction of honey from the hive.

Life Mel is produced from nectar derived from therapeutic herbs such as Siberian Ginseng, Echinacea, Uncaria, combined with a selection of natural ingredients including iron, protein and vitamins.

To find out more, visit our website.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

LifeMel Immune Support

Do you need to strengthen your Immune System?

The immune system is the body’s first line of defense in maintaining health, preventing illness, and hastening recovery. Many people experience a weakened immune system due to poor sleep habits, unhealthy diets, post chemotherapy treatment, or other illnesses or medical conditions such as HIV. Also, with age our immune system weakens, leaving us vulnerable to chronic diseases.With a strong healthy immune response our bodies not only become more resistant to colds, flu, allergies and disease but our quality of life improves.

Research has shown that supplementing the immune system can help us resist some illnesses.

If you are currently feeling the effects of a weakened immune system, no matter what the cause, we have a natural solution. Zuf Globus laboratories in Israel, has gone beyond the call of duty in helping people improve the quality of their lives. Thirty years of research with an all natural approach of feeding special nectars to bees, thereby producing different types of honey, led to this development of clinically tested LifeMel Chemo Support.

Life Mel Immune Support was developed to work specifically on the immune system. For those who have completed chemotherapy treatments and no longer use Chemo Support, yet wish to continue with a an immune support regime, LifeMel Immune Support is your answer. Having less natural ingredients than Life Mel Chemo Support it is less potent and costs less. Yet it does what you are looking for — supports your immune system.

Long term usage of LifeMel Immune (one teaspoon in the morning and one teaspoon in the evening) can result in an improvement in the functionality of the immune system and in the body’s ability to resist infections and disease.

* Assist the body in recuperation and convalescence

* Support the natural ability of the immune system to maintain energy levels and fight fatigue

* An immune system boost

* 100% natural

* Easy to take

For more information, visit our website!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Who Should Not Take Life Mel?

* Pregnant and breast feeding women should consult their doctor.
* Life Mel is not to be given to children less than one year old.
* Life Mel is not recommended for diabetics or people allergic to beehive products.

For more information, please visit our website.