Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The New Diet of the Year: LifeMel Honey

This year, some are turning to some special bees for a diet to make them feel better.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) January 8, 2008 -- From the Atkins Diet, to the South Beach Diet, to the Zone Diet most people know of someone who has tried one kind of diet or another. Some have had success and others have not. Some do it to look better and others do it to feel better.

This year some are turning to some special bees for a diet to make them feel better. These bees are fed a special nectar derived from therapeutic herbs including Siberian Ginseng, Echinacea and Uncaria Tomentosa, combined with a selection of natural ingredients including iron, protein and vitamins. In return they are producing honey that has, according to a clinical trial, reduced the side effects of chemotherapy treatment suffered by some cancer patients, thus significantly improving their quality of life.

The honey is called LifeMel Honey and some cancer patients can benefit from these diet specific bees and the honey they produce. Dr. Geffen, before trying this honey, was suffering from acute myelocytic leukemia and his white blood cell counts had dropped to dangerously low levels. "I deteriorated physically and was virtually bed-ridden", says Greffen.

Within 10 days after he began taking Life Mel, one teaspoon twice a day, his white blood cell count began climbing. Within months, his counts were normal and he was playing golf. "My blood-work started improving and has continued to do so to this day", remarks Geffen.

So by the dictionary definition of diet: "a particular selection of food to improve a person's physical condition or to prevent or treat a disease", this bee diet lives up to its potential for some chemotherapy patients looking to feel better.

For more information on LifeMel Honeys, visit the website!

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